Our New Brand

From Christopher Perri

Just as we set aside time to reflect on the growth and evolution of our clients so that we can better support them in the future, it was time to reflect upon PCDA’s growth and evolution. After over 25 years working with young people and families in our community—and from a position of great strength, we began looking ahead at the next 25 years. 

We began by gaining a deeper understanding of what do our staff, clients, families, and partners value most about PCDA. We did this to ensure we can continue to deliver on that value across all our efforts and secure more funding, connect with more young people, and work with more families. 

Once we were really clear about how you all—our stakeholders—see and value us, we began to evaluate the signals that we send that are doing a good job of reinforcing the value you see in us, the ways we are sending mixed signals, and the things we do and say that are not in alignment with how we want to be known and understood.

As a result, you may notice that PCDA will look and sound a little different moving forward. 

We are not changing what we do or the quality of the support we provide in any way. 

In fact, we’ve already found that these efforts have given us a clearer focus that will allow us to improve and strengthen the support and services in the future.

And all of this—everything we do is built upon the same ideal that our founders Diane and Mimi had all those years ago.


At PCDA, we believe that relationships lie at the heart of a young person’s development—the relationship with oneself, the relationships among families, and the relationships between behaviors and experiences.

That’s why we emphasize and amplify those relationships and connections every day for young people with developmental differences, Autism, and other medical or genetic disorders that create everyday challenges.

The proven services of PCDA are essential to the lives of our clients and their families as they navigate a world that is not always understanding or inclusive of them.



And now finally, we want to share with you PCDA’s new look. Our new visual identity is a reflection of PCDA’s incredible legacy and also a promise for PCDA’s future. It represents PCDA as warm, focused, and influential in the lives of our clients and in our community. It suggests the promising futures of our young clients and their families. And we believe it demonstrates that PCDA is an essential community of care that connects to life.

We couldn’t have embarked on this work without the strength and support from our incredible community—the staff that so carefully and intentionally approach their work, the trustees who guide and advise us, the partners who join hands with us to give young people the essential services and tools they need, and the families who trust and collaborate with PCDA in the care of their children. 

Thank you.


A Retirement Tribute - PCDA Co-Founder Mimi Winer